Hey everybody,
here you can get information about by my application “Women Fitness: Bikini Body” and some other stuff like code tutorials for android and ios development.
Short History:
- April 2014: created my application for the android-OS and publish it to the google play store
- Mai 2014: publish the app to the Amazon-store (only 5 sells till now #Sept2014 )
- Juli 2014 Birthday: I received a MacBookAir as a gift (Special thanks to my girlfriend )
- Juli 24, 2014: start to develop my app for iOS
- August 18, 2014: upload to the iOS app-store
- August 22, 2014: Ready for sale in iOS app-store
- August 29, 2014: Publish the english version of my app to the Google Play Store
About me:
- Since Oct. 2013 Student of LMU (Media Informatics)
- 2010-2013 Training as surgical assistant
© Sebastian Steer 01.09.2014